Deepwatch Announces Eight New Add on Modules to Transform Traditional Security Operations

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Liberating Security Operations Centers from traditional SIEMs and legacy ingestion costs

Managed Detection and Response (MDR) vendors have long supported the ingestion of alerts and logs from singular or multiple sources, enriching them and/or providing automated responses to specific alerts. However, these actions have proven insufficient. Enterprises continue to face rising costs, skills gaps among analysts, coverage gaps, and ineffective response through a wide range of tools and automations, resulting in unmet expectations. Current solutions in the market aren’t solving the issues. Things have to change. 

Achieving Cyber Resilience

Deepwatch, with decades of combined experience in global operations, has operationalized detection, prevention, and response across industry-leading tools. We understand the need for unified cyber outcomes and the need for enterprise wide cyber resilience to deal with the bad days that will inevitably happen. By reviewing our operations and capabilities in light of market and technology changes, Deepwatch has introduced Holistic Modern Security Operations to address these challenges.

Holistic Modern Security Operations is designed to:

  • Transform traditional security operations
  • Integrate people, process, and technology as a unified operational standard
  • Maximize security value and security budgets
  • Enhance the overall security posture of the enterprise
  • Enable cyber resilience across business operations

Deepwatch believes Holistic Modern Security Operations will deliver unified cyber outcomes, providing comprehensive value to businesses by integrating security into all aspects of operations. Unified cyber outcomes effectively communicate the value and improvements security brings to a business.

Delivering on Commitments

How is Deepwatch going to deliver on the commitments above? We plan to deliver on these commitments by addressing three key issues:

  1. Solving the problems of security data visibility, control, ownership, and rising ingestion costs.
  2. Expanding detection, protection, and precision response capabilities across the attack surface.
  3. Providing certified and trusted experts to guide the deployment and operationalization of integrated best-of-breed technologies globally, 24/7/365.

To transform the traditional security operations centers (SOCs), Deepwatch is introducing eight new add-on modules to extend the Deepwatch Platform.

Solving Data Visibility, Control, and Rising Ingestion Costs

“Today’s complex data ecosystems and cyber data architectures require enterprises to take an active role in managing and utilizing information from multiple sources and destinations. Enterprises that continue to rely on aging best practices for data filtering and source selection are facing exorbitant cost increases for ingestion and long-term storage while simultaneously being limited on data visibility, ownership, and portability,” said Zac Kilpatrick, Vice President of Global Go To Market Partners at Cribl.

The Deepwatch new Cyber Data Management and Cyber Data Lake modules, using Cribl’s Stream, Edge, Search, and Lake technologies, provide cost-effective control of cyber data visibility, ownership, and detection. These modules also offer a security-controlled data lake for long-term data hunting, enrichment, and storage.

Expanding Detection, Protection, and Precision Response

“Deepwatch is thrilled to bring our years of SOC experience with the best-of-best partnerships together delivering eight new joint solution modules that help customers protect attack surfaces important to them in a modular fashion. This helps customers transform legacy SIEMs and distributed tooling into the unified Deepwatch Platform with Cribl cyber data management and the next generation of SIEM technologies,” said Curt Aubley, COO & CPO of Deepwatch. 

The updated Deepwatch Platform incorporates industry leading technologies and our new solution modules for Next Generation Managed Detection and Response, along with updated detection and response capabilities for Endpoint, Identity, and Cloud which enable precision detection and response. Additionally, new Vulnerability and Exposure visibility will expand precision response based outcomes and context.

This combination of people, processes, and technologies delivers expanded detection, protection, and precision response across an enterprise’s attack surface. This will deliver on the promise of maximized security budgets, increased visibility, reduced ingestion costs, increased return on investment, and enables cyber resilient operations.

Trusted Experts for Global Deployment and Operationalization

“This new approach helps us to partner with our customers to deliver critical unified cyber outcomes customers need. Faster detection of more advanced threats, expanded visibility and telemetry that improves cyber resilience, and lowers operational and technical costs,” Aubley adds.

Deepwatch Security Experts bring years of operational experience across a range of best-of-breed technologies, including traditional SIEMs, SOAR, creating and operating effective automation, and the deployment and operation of multiple endpoint and EDR tools. Deepwatch has been maturing customers’ EDR deployments for the last five years and this experience is now being expanded across the new add-on modules to enable detection and response at machine speed across endpoint, identity, and cloud.

Cyber resilient enterprises depend on both experts, experience, and technologies to manage the detection and contextualized XDR responses necessary to protect customer endpoints, cloud environments, identities, and correlations, while identifying vulnerabilities and mitigating exposure. 

These capabilities, coupled with comprehensive security logging best practices and actively working with Cribl’s Stream, Edge, Search, and Lake will increase detection, prevention and precision response, while increasing security visibility, and managing technology and security data costs, and delivering cyber outcomes.

Execution in Action

Proof is always in the execution. Visit Deepwatch at Black Hat, booth 1260, to see these modules in action. Holistic Modern Security Operations is only the beginning. We look forward to your visit and vision of the future state of cybersecurity.


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