Hyperautomation: From Dissonance to Harmony

Estimated Reading Time: 4 minutes

Just as a symphony orchestra can create a complex and nuanced piece of music by blending together the sounds of various instruments, a well-orchestrated approach to business process automation can make beautiful music. The combination of multiple technologies to automate business processes quickly and efficiently has been a promise of Security Orchestration Automation and Response (SOAR) tools since their inception. However; rarely have they lived up to the promise due to issues with flexibility and speed of change. Hyperautomation has come forward to address these limitations and make possible the collection of dissonant automated processes to meld a harmonious symphony of automated analysis and response.

While that’s a mouthful, it’s an apt analogy. Hyperautomation involves the orchestrated use of multiple technologies, tools, or platforms to automate as many business processes as possible. In our race to quickly automate those processes, we are too often left with a cacophony of disconnected tools and processes that actually drain resources. 

Hyperautomation tools like those developed by Torq and used by Deepwatch help security teams orchestrate automation at speed and scale, with automation processes that collect and analyze data, then make choices to achieve particular outcomes.

Symphonies Need Conductors

Just as a conductor must adjust the tempo and dynamics of the orchestra throughout a performance, security organizations must continuously refine their automation strategies to adapt to emerging threats and new protections and responses. For us, Torq serves as that conductor across a complex landscape of applications, devices, cloud-based and on-premise networks.

Automation of any digital process requires careful planning, coordination, and operational trust. Security teams must identify which processes to automate, choose the right tools, ensure any automation integrates seamlessly with existing systems, and address business concerns and risks. While the stakes may be higher than performing Mozart, orchestration of automated security processes requires a similar approach, combining the art of analysis and math.

Hyperautomation tools simply allow security teams like ours to create better outcomes, and allow for the kind of performance tuning that only comes from a deep understanding of our customer environments.

Hyperautomation in Cybersecurity

Examples of how security teams could utilize hyperautomation tools include:

  • SIEM Data: used to analyze large volumes of data to identify anomalous patterns and potential threats
  • Vulnerability Management: as a key component of vulnerability management,
    applying patches automatically
  • Identity and User Behavior: used to analyze identity behaviors, detecting insider threats and data breaches
  • History of Analysis and Previous Responses: analyzing other actions been taken against the known threat, or affecting the same asset or user
  • Incident Response: used to automate tasks such as threat containment, eradication, and recovery to shorten time to resolution and minimize impact

Benefits of Hyperautomation

Another key benefit of hyperautomation is improved accuracy. Deepwatch is able to improve accuracy in tasks prone to human error. This can reduce the risk of false positives and false negatives.

A benefit is Increased Flexibility in response and analysis via wider integrations and more logic gate based triage and active responses.

Finally, hyperautomation reduces the noise from traditional automation techniques across an expanding attack surface. As threats grow in volume and complexity, hyperautomation. 

Hyperautomation and Deepwatch

Torq Hyperautomation plays a pivotal role in enhancing Deepwatch’s cyber resilience strategy. It enables faster analysis, triage, validation, and flexible responses to cyber threats. When events or issues are identified by the Deepwatch Managed Security Platform, assigned Deepwatch experts rapidly investigate and prioritize them utilizing Torq Case Management. 

This system provides real-time verification and triage based on customer context, best practices, and Deepwatch Dynamic Risk scoring to determine the appropriate customer response. Deepwatch also benefits from Torq’s AI capabilities for auto-analyzing cybersecurity incidents, making strategic responses, and informing immediate and long-term defensive measures. In addition, Torq hyperautomation enables Deepwatch to increase the speed with which it onboards new customers.

Play It Again

Hyperautomation based orchestration of cybersecurity tooling and business operations requirements go beyond traditional function based process automation to include machine learning (ML), Language Learning Models (LLM), and flexible integrations to provide access to a wide array of structured and unstructured data sets. It is this level of advanced technology, industry experience, and operational restrictions that is critical to enable future cybersecurity operations to reach the promise of Security Orchestration Automation and Response for trusted active responses and the automation of complex and unstructured tasks.


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