Deepwatch Products
Transform your security strategy with AI-powered risk and threat exposure management.
Deepwatch Acquires Dassana
Deepwatch Products
Transform your security strategy with AI-powered risk and threat exposure management.
Managing dozens - if not hundreds - of tools leads to siloed data, making it challenging to prioritize material risks, manage the growing attack surface, and demonstrate control effectiveness.
Meet Dassana's native app that helps you expedite time-to-remediation, enhance the productivity of your security teams, and ultimately bolster the effectiveness of your security controls.
Aggregates and contextualizes risks to identify the most critical needles in the haystack.
Triangulates data and proactively uncovers coverage gaps across the entire attack surface.
Provides real-time, actionable metrics and insights for confident reporting to stakeholders.
Let's Talk
Meet with our managed security experts to discuss your use cases, technology and pain points and learn how Deepwatch can help.