
Deepwatch Acquires Dassana

Why Deepwatch

Fast, Precise Response to Threats

Deepwatch utilizes a precise combination of automation and manual expertise to execute customized threat response plans.

Industry Leading Technology

The Deepwatch Security Center Drives Rapid, Precise Response

The Deepwatch Security Center enables fast and confident responses to security threats. With proper risk profiling and increased alert fidelity, you and your Deepwatch experts take a programmatic and consistent approach to threat response.

  • Proprietary Deepwatch Dynamic Risk Scoring engine enables high fidelity/low volume alerting and precise responses
  • Human-led response combined with automation from Deepwatch playbooks reduce mean time to resolution
  • Deepwatch experts working daily with your team are able to respond faster and more precisely to incidents

Deepwatch Experts

Combine Automation and Manual Expertise

Execute tailored response plans designed to contain threats faster with minimal disruption to your business.

Let's Talk

Ready to Become Cyber Resilient?

Meet with our managed security experts to discuss your use cases, technology and pain points and learn how Deepwatch can help.