Cyber Threat Intelligence
Deepwatch Labs
Curated cybersecurity threat intelligence to keep your organization and SOC ahead of the latest security threats and zero-day vulnerabilities.
Deepwatch Enhances Executive Team by Welcoming New CMO and CPO
Cyber Threat Intelligence
Curated cybersecurity threat intelligence to keep your organization and SOC ahead of the latest security threats and zero-day vulnerabilities.
Ivanti Zero-Day CVE-2025-0282 Exploited as Macro Malware and Data Leaks Impact 103 Firms—CISA Flags Critical Vulnerabilities in Latest Update
Discover how Chinese threat actors exploited the Ivanti Connect Secure zero-day vulnerability (CVE-2025-0282) for credential harvesting and malware deployment, and learn how to protect your organization from similar attacks.
Ivanti Zero-Day CVE-2025-0282 Exploited as Macro Malware and Data Leaks Impact 103 Firms—CISA Flags Critical Vulnerabilities in Latest Update
Google Domain Abuse and PLAYFULGHOST Threats Unveiled as CISA Adds Oracle and Mitel Vulnerabilities, and Professional Services Tops Data Leak Sites
Cyberhaven Chrome Extension Attack Unveiled as CISA Highlights Palo Alto PAN-OS Vulnerability Amid Rising Data Leaks
An unknown threat actor has successfully exploited the vulnerability in Progress Software's MOVEit Transfer product
Deepwatch detects webshell activity after suspected exploitation of a critical vulnerability in Progress Software’s MOVEit product
Deepwatch investigation found threat actors utilizing an undisclosed vulnerability in Adobe ColdFusion. Learn what happened and what you should do
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